Presentation made to a symposium titled Documenting Mortality in Conflicts, organised by WHO/CRED with the Harvard Humanitarian Initiative, and held in Brussels, 6-7 November 2008.

This slightly amended web version (published 2 February 2009) has been updated to reflect the latest statistics in the IBC database.

Putting the Data to Work

Hamit Dardagan

Putting the Data to Work slide 1

Hamit Dardagan is co-founder and principal analyst of Iraq Body Count

Iraq Body Count has had a fairly prominent presence on the web over the past five and a half years. From the very beginning, we have put great effort into accurately explaining what we do on our website.1

1 See eg. IBC's Methods and earlier presentations on IBC's contribution or the the utility of press reports.

Instead of explaining in general terms what IBC does on a daily basis, I’d like to look back in this presentation over a recent, but still substantial, period in our project and describe some of the things we’ve actually done in that time – the better, I hope, to reveal not just the real outputs of our work, but why it matters to us and to others, and where this work may still lead us.