
ابو بخت حسن

From the news reports:

Hassan's father, in his 60s, wore his best clothes for the trip through the American lines: a pinstriped suit.

"To look American," Hassan said. ...

On March 16, Hassan and his family began to harvest tomatoes, cucumbers, scallions and eggplant. It was a healthy crop, and they expected a good year.

SMH 02 Apr 2003

العمر 60-69
الجنس ذكر
الوظيفة غير مسجل
الجنسية Iraqi
الوضع العائلي زوج
أب/أم أب

مسجل في بيانات المشروع في الحادث x026

المكان: US Army checkpoint near Najaf and Karbala

التاريخ: 31 March 2003