
Shiite man and son shot dead in Tahwelah, east of Baquba

Incident k9126
Type drive-by shooting
Deaths recorded 2
Targeted or hit Shiite man and 16-year-old son
Place Tahwelah, 30 km east of Baquba
Date 1 January 2008
Sources AP 01 Jan
Single-sourced record. Instructions for submitting other reports.

Individuals for whom personal or identifying details were reported

IBC page Identifying details (number if more than one) Age Sex
k9126-ek1375 Son of dead man 16 Male

Individuals for whom only demographic or other non-personal information was reported

Number killed Occupation Age Sex
1 Unrecorded Adult Male

Of the 2 deaths recorded here, some personal information was reported for 1 of the dead.

Only demographic information, without any identifying details, was available for one other person recorded killed.