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4-11 by suicide bomber in Dujail, south of Tikrit

Incident d12109
Type suicide bomb
Deaths recorded 4-11
Targeted or hit popular market and government complex
Place al-Zahra neighborhood, Dujail, south of Tikrit
Date and time 21 May 2016, PM
Sources AP 21 May
Al-Mada 21 May
NINA 21 May
Al-Araby 21 May

Individuals for whom personal or identifying details were reported

IBC page Identifying details (number if more than one) Age Sex
d12109-kb3458 Ather Karim Hussein al-Zubaidi Adult Male

Of the 4 to 11 deaths recorded here, some personal information was reported for 1 of the dead.

Neither personal nor demographic information was reported for another 3 to 10 people killed in this entry.