منظمة ضحايا حرب العراق تحتاج الى دعمكم العاجل لمساعدتنا على الاستمرار في توثيق الضحايا المدنيين - ساعدنا من خلال التبرع الآن.



Ban Rasheed Faraj


She had very strong relationship with my wife and they were more of friends than they are relatives. She was a very good person and loved to help people in need by giving monthly salary to them or by giving them food. Due to cultural restrictions I don’t know much more about Ban and all the women victims.

As told by Wail Mwafaq Mosa Tabra to IBC, 4th July 2021

العمر 37-38
الجنس أنثى
الوظيفة Housewife
الجنسية Iraqi
الوضع العائلي زوجة
أب/أم أم

مسجل في بيانات المشروع في الحادث a6384

المكان: Al-Ishaqi, south of Tikrit

التاريخ: 31 March 2003 - 1 April 2003