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Many experts and expert groups from a range of fields are attempting to combine their knowledge to understand the lethality to Iraqis of the invasion and post-invasion violence in Iraq.

This is a slightly abridged and amended version of an invited "meta-analysis" of IBC's potential contribution to that understanding, presented in a closed meeting of the Ad Hoc Expert Group on mortality estimates for Iraq, convened by WHO in Geneva, May 2007.

Longer-term per-source coverage of IBC’s incidents and deaths

1 The statistics on these and the following pages are given as they stood at early May, 2007. Additions to the IBC database since then, including to periods preceding May, mean that some of the figures would change if the same analyses were repeated today, so that (for instance) the ranking of some media might change. However, this would not affect the overall conclusions presented here. An updated and expanded meta-analysis is planned for a later date.

Per source coverage

This graph shows percentage coverage of IBC incidents from 1st July 2006 to 31st March 2007 by the twelve top sources in that period. The light grey bar indicates the percentage of IBC incidents picked up by each media agency, and the darker bar indicates the percentage of IBC deaths where that agency was one contributing source in reports.1