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Announcements: 19 Nov 2007

Break in service 16-19 November 2007

Due to technical reasons beyond our control, the Iraq Body Count website was inaccessible to most visitors between Friday 16th November and Monday 19th November. We are taking every possible precaution to ensure that this does not happen again. We would like to apologise to those who regularly visit our site for the loss of service. Even though we could not update and display the site during this time, we continued to collect and process all available press and media stories over the down period, so there has been no loss of critical information, or any gaps in our data stream. However, any emails sent to an email address ending in @yidrhjawqubdoudwyuckowuan@tp.aozr.g will have been lost. If you sent an email to any of our addresses between these two dates, we would request that you re-send it, and we will deal with it just as soon as we are able.

The technical team at Iraq Body Count (contact: )