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IBC's reference section contains a full listing of IBC press releases and announcements, material in other formats (PDFs, CSV files), and other support documents and resources.



A Dossier on Civilian Casualties in Iraq 2003-2005
The first detailed account of all non-combatants reported killed or wounded during the first two years of the continuing conflict. Published by Iraq Body Count in association with Oxford Research Group, the report is based on comprehensive analysis of over 10,000 media reports published between March 2003 and March 2005. (PDF only)
Falluja Siege, April 2004: A News Analysis
Excerpts from nearly three hundred news stories on the April 2004 siege of Falluja, with an emphasis on its humanitarian impact.


3 Aug 2015:
Iraq Digital Memorial: Call to consult Iraqis
1 Jan 2014:
Total violent deaths including combatants, 2003–2013
15 Jan 2008:
IBC emails not received 10-15 Jan 2008
21 Dec 2007:
IBC begins adding credible single-sourced reports
19 Nov 2007:
Break in service 16-19 November 2007
3 Sep 2007:
Iraq Body Count introduces new web site

Press releases

Other reference materials

News sources used by IBC
A listing of all the press, and some NGO, sources that have been used by IBC.
IBC in the media
Coverage and discussion of IBC and Iraqi casualties by various media, 2003-2005.
IBC-CIVIC names list
A CSV spreadsheet file listing names to Feb 2006. The currently supported and up to date list does not contain the CIVIC names extracted from Iraqi Civilian War Casualties.
UNAMI p-codes list [Excel spreadsheet format]
A UN-produced reference document giving a large number of Iraqi place-names using consistent spelling. Adopted by IBC in standardising its data-entry system.